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Getting Rid of Fungus Gnats

Fungus gnats can be the bane of the indoor garden, so here are our tips to get rid of the pesky critters once and for all!

Let's talk Sanseviaria!

Sanseviaria is a genus of plants in the Asparagaceae family, native to Africa, Madagascar and parts of SE Asia, and there are around...

Indoor Garden Inspiration Gallery #1

The use of indoor plants in home decor has exploded over the last few years, and I, for one, am super happy about this! Here's just a wee...

My Favourite 5, I mean, 6 Plantaholic YouTubers!

There are so many plant-crazed lovelies posting on YouTube that it's really difficult to make a shortlist of my favourites! That said,...

Welcome to Indoor Garden Love - Part 2

As promised, here is part 2 of who I am, and what this blog is all about. If you missed Part 1, you can find it HERE. So, apart from the...

Welcome to Indoor Garden Love - Part 1

Well, here it is - this blog is the culmination of a plant obsession that's gradually overtaken my life recently! I thought I'd start...

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